Departamento de Portugués Intercambio con el Agrupamento de Escolas de Crato (Portugal) Alumnos del IES Lucia de Medrano viajan a Portugal del 2 al 5 de abril de 2019
Students and teachers at I.E.S. Lucía de Medrano holds a school exchange with a group of British students and teachers from 13th. to 19th. of February.This group comes from Billingshurst in England from the Weald Community School. They will spend these days attending classes and sightseeing Salamanca and its surroundings. We wish them a nice stay.
Weald Community School y Sixth Form, Station Road, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9RY
Alumnos de 2º y 3º de la ESO del IES Lucía de Medrano visitan del 20 al 26 de junio The Weald Community School and Sixth Form Programa de actividades Imágenes
Estudiantes y profesores
The WealdCommunity School and Sixth Form
Visitan el IES Lucía de Medrano
4 al 10 de Abril de 2019
Programa de la estancia en SALAMANCA del miércoles 3 abril al martes 9 abril 2024
Collège Émile Combes - Bordeaux
I. E.S. Lucía de Medrano- Salamanca