• Project description
  • E-Lesson days
  • Partners
  • Training sessions for teachers
  • Dissemination





The ITEACH project, a partnership composed of 5 schools from Italy, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands and UK, aims to deal with the situation arisen in the European schools due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Before COVID-19 face-to-face lessons was the common way of teaching, however from now on (at least until COVID-19 crisis finishes) e-learning will be an important part of the way of teaching at schools. Thus, there is a need of training in online platforms for e-teaching and a need to put into practice innovative methods, carried out before physically, in a digital environment, in order to deal with the student diversity at school and not to leave any student behind. A need analysis carried out in the 5 partner schools showed that in all the cases there were issues related to internet connection or outdated devices in families and students, issues teachers found using online platforms due to a low training on e-learning platforms, students left behind due to a lack of knowledge and practice using online platforms and finally, labour unrest in teachers due to the obligation to use an unknown digital environment to teach.



·       Improve digital competence in teachers to improve their e-teaching.

·       Reduce digital gap in terms of ICT skills and lack of equipment in our students and improve their motivation to e-learn.

·       Offer new opportunities of teaching/learning through exchanging methods of e-learning and resources for different subjects, for teachers and students.

·       Enhancing the sense of European citizenship through the creation of collaboration spaces for students and teachers.

·       Improve the language communication (in English) for students and teachers.



The project intends to involve, at least:

·       5 different group classes of students at each partner (around 100 students per partner)

·       5 teachers from each school.



To carry out the project there will be two kind of activities.

·       Online training sessions. This training sessions will be on how to use Moodle platform, Google Classroom, online tools for e-teaching, flipped classroom, collaborative methods, gaming and digital teaching. The main purpose of these sessions will be to share how to teach in digital using innovative methods. In addition to this training sessions, there will be local training for all the partner schools’ teachers.

·       5 e-lesson days consisting of 6 e-lessons on different subjects each (like a full school day). In these e-lessons teachers will put into practice what they have learnt in the training session.

The main purpose of these activities will be to offer opportunities of learning for students and motivate them, so that they can use e-learning environments with more confidence.



The following results will be produced:

·       A booklet with teaching units for different subjects using digital environments with digital resources and explanations on how to use it.

·       A set of digital resources, such as videos or digital lessons in different subjects.

·       At least a one day of e-lessons per country, recorded.

·       Training material for teachers to know how to use different type of e-platforms.

·       A website with links to all the open resources produced in the project: e-lessons, training, digital resources, video tutorials.

·       A public TwinSpace. The link for the project website will be posted in eTwinning and in every school website, so anyone can access it. CLICK HERE.

Finally, from the completion of this project it is expected:

·       An increase in motivation both in teachers and students to use e-platforms for the teaching-learning process.

·       A better quality of the lessons taught in the participant schools, as they will be enriched with digital resources and new approaches.

·       A higher participation in projects to improve our schools, both from teachers and students, making our schools more dynamic.

·       An improve in the use of English and a better understanding of other countries.

·       A change in policies at local/regional/national and EU level to foster equipment investment in schools participating in projects.




ITEACH e-Lessons  








"El proyecto IMPROVING METHODS IN E-LEARNING TO TACKLE DIGITAL DIVERSITY (2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-094984) está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea. El contenido de esta web y sus vínculos es responsabilidad exclusiva del IES LUCÍA DE MEDRANO y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida."



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